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losing my tranny

Created On Tuesday June 01, 2004 08:38 Diesel Talk
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Note Tuesday June 01, 2004 08:38 View thread in raw text format
Diesel Talk
Hi all!
I have a 94 Chev K2500 6.5 TD, recently it had trouble starting, took it to the GM shop, after they went through the electrical system the wise tech discovered it was a corroded wire coming off my positive terminal.
After I left the shop I noticed the engine started skipping, like it didnt fire for a revolution. Within a day it started skipping more often.
The injection pump was tested at the shop @ 5 lbs. I usually run 60-65 mph with the tach reading 1800-1900 rpm. Running down the freeway my tach jumped up to 3200 rpm and I lost all power in my tranny, I made it to the side of the road, shut it down for a minute, re- started it and it worked fine, then did it again within a half an hour. I let it sit for a few days then ran it around town with no problems, but when I drove it for an hour the same thing started again, the misses in the engine, then losing all power. I called the shop and of course they said bring it in, but they soaked me last time for a lot of wasted time. Does anyone have any suggestions?
Thanks in advance.

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Joined: Jun 2004

Note Tuesday June 01, 2004 16:12 View thread in raw text format
Diesel Talk
well come to find out I broke the housing on my vacuum pump, but the bearing is intact, the tranny needs to be re coded and the fuel injection pump needs new codes. Anybody give any suggestions about Lucas oil? We use it in our semi's but I am not too sure I want to put it in my personal rig.
Thanks all.
D McKeta from Western Washington

Like a rock
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Joined: Jun 2004

Note Wednesday June 23, 2004 10:28 View thread in raw text format
Diesel Talk
Hey there....Rotella is best I hear for diesel motors. It's all my b/f and I use in our 2 diesels.
Speaking of which I'd love to chat with you about the 6.5L turbo diesel motors.
I recently aquired a 1997 Tahoe w/that motor and I've never owned a Turbo Diesel as our Ford has a reg 7.3L(and I don't have the slightest clue!)....anywho while climbing a big hill it will downshift to 3rd then once you have crested the hill and either straightened out or started descending the hill it will not shift then back to 4th/Overdrive. In order to correct this problem I have to pull off the road. Shut the vehicle off and then start it back up and the problem will be solved.....
It just occured to me that since vehicles are so computerized now a days that since shutting off the vehicle corrects the problem then what do you want to bet it is something computerized.
Anywho try Rotella it's a good oil.

I love diesels.....
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