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Engine will not run at full speed!

Created On Friday 11, January, 2013 2:58 PM by kyhamoge

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Diesel Talk Forum

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Joined: Jan 2013

Note Friday January 11, 2013 14:58 View thread in raw text format
Diesel Talk
While operating my Bobcat S175 skid steer (Kubota V2203 diesel engine), the engine suddenly "throttled down" to about half rpm. The machine starts fine and runs fine - it simply will not accelerate beyond approx. half throttle. I have checked the fuel lines, throttle linkage, replaced fuel filter, etc. There is no air in fuel lines & no impingement of throttle linkage. It seems the two most popular opinions are - fuel injector pump and governor springs.

It would be nice to gather more information before attempting any unnecessary work. I would be very appreciative to anyone with information or experiencing a similar problem.


Daniel M. Brett
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