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Nissan SD25 Diesel Mid 80's

Created On Sunday 4, April, 2010 11:24 AM by Chumly9001

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Note Sunday April 04, 2010 11:24 View thread in raw text format
Diesel Talk
Hello, Can you help me idenify a missing part ?
SD 25 Deisel, on the rear of the head next to a 1" or so welch plug there is a little hole about 3/16 in size spitting oil in a pulsing manner. Just 2" or so below this area are 2 threaded studs where it looks clean and like something was there and now is not.

I am new on the scene to this problem and I dont know whats missing to figure out what else I'm in for, when I said I would check it out. Cant tell if it had a plate with gasket or is there just a small welch plug for the little hole and the clean spot and studs were from the whatever this engine came from, which was put in a small Trac-Hoe.

Can you help me?

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