DieselEngineTrader.com has been connecting buyers and sellers of Diesel Engines since 2000.
We hope that the following answers your questions.
Searching for engines and parts
- How do I search for an engine?
- How do I search for a part?
- How do I search for a genset?
- Can I restrict the search geographically?
- I am looking for a specific make/model of diesel engine?
- I have found the engine/genset/part I want. Who do I contact?
- What does it cost to search for an engine, genset or part?
Advertising engines and parts for sale
- How do I advertize an engine, genset or a part?
- How much does it cost to advertize engines, gensets and spare parts?
- Can I advertize new as well as remanufactured engines/gensets?
- Do I have to put in a selling price?
- How will potential customers get in touch with me?
- Can a buyer see all the engines/gensets/parts I have listed?
- I listed an engine and then when I searched it wasn't there?
- How do you remove an engine/genset/part from DieselEngineTrader.com?
- What if I've forgotten my User Name or Password?
- What do we do if our company has multiple locations?
- What if we have a large inventory to put on the database?
- I already have a website - why use DieselEngineTrader.com?
Using DieselEngineTrader.com to promote your business
- How can DieselEngineTrader.com help my business?
- How do I get a link to my website?
Security/Privacy on DieselEngineTrader.com
- Is DieselEngineTrader.com secure?
- Does DieselEngineTrader.com have a Privacy Policy?
We cannot help with technical diesel engine questions. These should be posted on
Diesel Talk, our FREE discussion forum.
Still have Questions?
Contact us and we will reply to you as soon as possible.
How do I search for an engine?
Click on 'Browse Engines' in the menu bar, enter your criteria and click on Search.
If you get too many results then modify your search criteria.
How do I search for a part?
Click on 'Browse Parts' in the menu bar, enter your criteria and click on Search.
If you get too many results then modify your search criteria.
How do I search for a genset?
Click on 'Browse Gensets' in the menu bar, enter your criteria and click on Search.
If you get too many results then modify your search criteria.
Can I restrict the search geographically?
Yes you can. You can specify a specific country.
If you are searching for a small and inexpensive engine/genset/part you would probably only consider ones near to you. If, however, you are searching for specific make/model of a large engine/genset you will probably consider one wherever it happens to be in the world.
I am looking for a specific make/model of diesel engine?
Click on 'Browse Engines', select the make from the drop down list, enter either part or all of the model number and click 'Search'.
For example, selecting Make = 'Caterpillar' and Model = '34' would find all 'Caterpillar' engines with '34' entered anywhere in the model number. 3412 and 3412 DITTA. This facility will allow you see all variations of a particular engine.
To further restrict the search enter the number of cylinders or condition.
I have found the engine/genset/part I want. Who do I contact?
For further information about an engine, genset or part listed on www.DieselEngineTrader.com you need to contact the seller directly.
There is a form on the engine/genset/part details page to allow you to contact the sellers by email. Alternatively give them a call.
What does it cost to search for an enginet/part?
Absolutely nothing! There is no charge for searching for engines, gensets or parts, you don't even need to log in or register to search. You can however, subscribe to our daily of weekly notification of new listings and/or our free monthly newsletter and keep up to date with the latest news and hot tips.
How do I advertize an engine, a genset or a part?
Listing engines, gensets and parts is very simple. If you are a registered seller then log in to your account. If not then click on 'create account' and register as a seller. You
will be asked for some basic information about you or your organization to make it easy for buyers to contact you.
Once logged in / registered click on 'Add an Engine', 'Add a Genset' or 'Add a Pars' from the left hand menu and follow the instructions from then on. Required fields are marked with a
red * but fill in as many as you can. The more information you can enter the better chance you have of finding a buyer.
Before you add your very first engine, genset or spare part, you will be prompted for your credit card details.
How much does it cost to advertize engines, gensets and spare parts?
Click here for Advertising / Listing Rates
Payments are made using WorldPay's secure online payment system and can be made by VISA, MasterCard or American Express.

If you do not want to pay by credit card please
contact us for details of alternative arrangements.
Can I advertize new as well as remanufactured engines/gensets?
DieselEngineTrader has six separate categories of engines and four separate categories of gensets. Engine categories are:
- New
- Reconditioned INCLUDES Rebuilt, Reconditioned and Overhauled engines
- Runner - Engine is in running order
- Repairable - Engine is broken down but is repairable (crankcase is not damaged)
- Core/Good For Parts - Engine is broken down, is not repairable and is being broken for spares
- Remanufactured - Engine has been taken apart, cleaned, repaired, and then reassembled.
If you are listing an engine or genset, you have to specify what condition it is in from the above list. Any additional information (e.g. crankshaft is 2nd undersize) can be entered in the comments box.
If you are searching for an engine or genset you can specify what condition you require or you can select all conditions (default).
Do I have to put in a selling price?
No you do not although it will help your chance of finding a buyer if you do.
Selling price example:
US$4,000 or nearest offer
How will potential customers get in touch with me?
When a Buyer is searching for an engine, genset or spare part and they come across yours, they will see the contact details you entered when you first registered as a Seller (your phone number, EMail address etc.).
They can either give you a call, send you an email of complete the 'Contact the Seller' form and we will send you an email.
Can a buyer see all the engines/genset/parts I have listed?
Yes. When a Buyer is viewing one of your engines/gensets/parts, they can click to view all your other engines/gensets/parts
I listed an engine and then when I searched it wasn't there?
It is possible that you entered a search parameter incorrectly or that you made a mistake when you were listing your engine.
Try searching for the engine by Listing ID number (this takes priority over all other search parameters). This should get your engine up and you can then
look at it and find out what you entered.
Alternatively, go back in to the seller screen, and find your engine on your list and see what you entered there.
If you are still having a problem, then please contact us with details and we will endeavour to advise further.
How do you remove an engine/genset/part from DieselEngineTrader.com?
When you have sold an engine/genset/part or you do not want it to be shown on DieselEngineTrader.com for any other reason, simply log in and 'delete' the engine/genset/part.
What if I've forgotten my user name or password?
If you can't remember your User Name or Password, simply click on 'Forgotten my User Name or Password', enter your EMail address and we'll EMail you the information by return!
What do we do if our company has multiple locations?
Special arrangements are available for companies with multiple locations to enable you to get the best value possible from DieselEngineTrader.com.
Please contact us by EMail with the words 'Multiple Locations' in the subject line and we will contact you to discuss your requirements.
What if we have a large inventory to put on the database?
We can help!
Please send us an EMail briefly outlining your requirements with the words 'Large Inventory' in the subject line and we will contact you.
I already have a website - why use DieselEngineTrader.com?
Using DieselEngineTrader.com
as well as your own website will improve your chances of finding a customer.
As you know, the 'D Team' is dedicated to energising and promoting your business. They are working tirelessly to increase the number of potential buyers visiting the site to give your inventory maximum global exposure.
You know how difficult it is to get a good search engine ranking. The D-Team are working at it constantly and our ranking is improving every week. This means more and more Buyers are seeing
your inventory which leads to more sales for you!
How can DieselEngineTrader.com help my business?
DieselEngineTrader.com can help your business because it will let your inventory be seen by as many people as possible.
This means that you will receive more and better targeted inquiries from people who actually have a requirement for your engines/gensets.
You can also advertise your business through our links section (free of charge).
How do I get a link to my website?
Simply go the links section of the website.
Decide which section you think would be most relevant to your business
Section 1 - Diesel engine sales, service & repair organisations
Section 2 - Manufacturers of ancillary components
Section 3 - Manufacturers of diesel engines
Section 4 - Journals/Publications or Related/Interesting
Then complete the form with details relevant to your company.
And remember - an entry in our links section is
free of charge
In return, we would appreciate a link from your website to DieselEngineTrader.com.
This is very easy to do. Go to the Site Info page, click on 'Link to Us'
and copy the html code.
Is DieselEngineTrader.com secure?
Yes, we take security very seriously. All pages that handle sensitive information such as credit card details and login details are handled on our secure server. Click on the icon below to view our certificate.
This 256 bit SSL Certificate gives the strongest available encryption. The infomation you enter on this page is 100% secure.
Does DieselEngineTrader.com have a Privacy Policy?
Yes. You can read our full
Privacy Policy here.